Matching your innovative solution with global demand
Sweden ranks high in innovation power. Our life science industry is characterized by a vibrant start-up scene with a strong science base. Global life science companies are increasingly looking to Sweden to tap into this pool of innovation. At the same time, the key to success for our homegrown companies is to build them solid to meet the global demand. In essence, Sweden is facing a potential jackpot situation. But are we well equipped for a win-win?
At this year’s summit you’ll listen to people that successfully manoeuvred their way to the global market. We also discuss the required support on how to match innovative solutions with global demand and how to further spur business savviness within the Swedish life science community. A panel of experts will discuss the required support and conditions to further spur business savviness within the Swedish life science community. They will give their opinion on how to match innovative solutions with global demand based on their first-hand experience.